Many people worry that if they do not send their children to a institutionalized school they will not learn how to make a stand for their faith.
Let me just say, there is rarely a time of season that we go into public that some one doesn't ask them about some holiday or their birthday. And about what they got for Christmas, Easter, their birthday, or what they are going to dress up as for Halloween, or are they going to the fire works show for Fourth of July, or are they going to see the latest movie about a holiday, or with a unchristian, unwholesome theme, and on and and on and on. We get these questions almost every day. My children on their own accord answer these questioners, and tell them that they do not celebrate them and why. This has been on going for years, when ever we are out.
Currently my middle child, who is 6 years old, has been interested in buying things out of prize machines. Recently we were at a restaurant that had one of these prize machines, and she looked at ALL the options of prizes that could come out, when you put in your money. She noticed a few were magical characters. So she said to me, I am not going to waste my money in that machine. Because, it has some magic toys in it, and if I got one of those, I would just have to throw it away. Because, Jehovah doesn't like magic. Remember the Caleb cartoon, mommy, Jehovah doesn't like magic. And just like Caleb threw away his magic toy, I would want to throw it away too. Because, we wouldn't want to make Jehovah sad, would we mommy? I said that's right, of course we wouldn't.
This was ALL on her own accord. Not my prodding her or telling her she would have to throw the toys away. This was NOT in a institution. Do I believe she is learning to make a stand for her faith? I certainly do!!!!
Children do not need to be isolated from us, in a bad environment to learn to take a stand for their faith! They, and all of us, must take stands for our faith EVERY single day. In public and in private as well. Jehovah sees every where, weather we are in public or in private. And learning to take our stand has nothing to do with being put in a institution, surrounded by bad association. But, teaching and cultivating a love of Jehovah and what is good and bad in his eyes.
Become Jehovah's Friend- Lesson 2: Obey Jehovah

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