I often am asked, what are the laws for homeschooling? In the United States of America education is not governed by the federal government. It is governed by each State. Many times, people are confused on the laws, as they have heard one law for one state and assume it is the same in all states. They can vary greatly from state to state. Some states have barely any regulations on homeschoolers, where you do not even have to tell the state your child exist or anything you are doing education wise. While others are highly regulated, and even require enrollment in third party associations like umbrella schools. Also many people get confused because they know partially what the public school laws are, and assume they are the same for homeschoolers, but that is also not even close to true.
To make sure you are abiding by your state's laws correctly, I suggest always reading and studying the laws yourself. The best resource I have found with the correct laws is hslda.org . That stands for Home School Legal Defense Association. If you join them, you can also call them with individual state questions and they can walk you through your own states laws.
Myself, I visit my state law, Kansas, page on the HSLDA website often to make sure I am current in my understanding of my local laws. I would recommend each parent who chooses to homeschool to do their own due diligence as well. This will keep you legal, and from losing your privilege to homeschool. As well as in line with Jehovah's command to be obedient to the authorities as long as it does not interfere with our obedience to Jehovah.

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