Many people believe that in the United States of America, that the law that says Church and State shall remain separate in public school education, must be enforced. The problem is there is no way to separate these two things.
Any thing taught has it's own religious basis. The majority of public school text books are based on Pagan and Humanist religious thinking.
Evolution-is not christian, it is humanist.
So either one they choose to teach will have it's own religious basis. Weather it's humanists, pagan, or christian.
Sex education, often teaches sex is normal and ok outside of marriage, as long as you really like the person and you give them permission and use "protection". Again Humanist religious views. If they taught to wait til marriage and only in the boundaries of marriage, of course that would be christian view. Either way it's a religious education, depending on which ever one the choose to teach.
When they teach about birthdays, that is teaching pagan religion. They will never teach that it is not christian. And same with any of the other holidays.
And we could go on and on.. if you notice though public school never chooses to teach the Bibles christian view point, it's always in favor of teaching the pagan or humanist view of things. But, in order to teach.. some one's religious view will ALWAYS color what is taught. And there's just no way to separate that.
As we know as Witnesses, it's not just our religion it's our life! And that's how it is for every one. What ever their life choices are, that's their religion they have adopted for themselves, and will come out in all they choose to teach, weather that is christian or otherwise. It may not seem religious to us if it is not christian, but it is.. it's just false religious religion!
Don't forget what has been prophesied. Remember Church and State have been in bed with one another for a long time now. And eventually the state is going to turn around and turn on the Church. And that is going to happen on every level. It's going to be shocking to those of Christendom, but we know about it, and should be looking for it. More and more every day we hear about how that is happening already one step at a time.
So that's just another thing to think about when choosing homeschool or public institutions. And also even in your choices of books and educational tools we choose to use in your home education.

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