My local homeschool conference is coming this week!!! Thursday thru Saturday, March 9-11th 2017. I am already getting excited!
Last year, I mentioned how the HSLDA keynote address was on Jehovah's Witnesses contribution to educational freedoms in the United States of America.
Special Edition~Day One 2016 Homeschool Convention
Since then, I have come to realize that many people are not familiar with the case that the keynote address was discussing, Minersville School District Vs. Gobitis.
I personally grew up knowing a sister who was kicked out of school at the time, along with her siblings. Her and her mother would often speak to me about that time, and what happened with and to them personally from it.
I decided since my local homeschool conference is upon us, I would come back to address this case, and share information about this case directly. As even though this happened in the 1940's it has direct effect on us now as witnesses, and just as citizens, as well as our near future til we are in the new system. These experiences can give us strength to remain faithful even when opposition is fierce. Much like our Watchtower study was about today. We can not force any one to accept the message of the Good News of God's Kingdom, but we can control ourselves to remain faithful and continue to do good!
This is a link to her story from JW.org directly.
Lillian Gobitis's Story
While I hate, linking to anything on Youtube I do not know any other way to share this video interview of Lillian with Phil Donahue.
Interview Video

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