A few things I have gleaned from my personal experience at homeschool conventions.
1) Long before you go, make a list of what you think you want to look at and research curricula/educational game/book wise. There will be a LOT there. Having a list will help you not be overwhelmed and forget once you are there. There will be a LOT of vendors, as well as Rainbow Resource has a huge booth... seeing it all in person verses a catalog makes a huge difference, and you don't want to miss something you really wanted to see, but forgot because you got so engrossed in one or two other booths and totally forgot something you had been interested in for months and waiting to see in person!
2) Along with 1, don't forget to make a list of positively what you want to buy. There's a few things every year, I know I will be buying at the conference. And every time I get in that vendor hall you can bet, I forget a few things, if I didn't have my list!
3) Have a budget and stay in it! To support staying in your budget. Do not buy anything til you have looked at every thing on your list of what you wanted, and every thing on your list of wanting to look at. Once you have looked at it all, and priced it all. Re-evaluate what you want to buy. You may even wait til the second day to purchase. Even if they run out of stock at the actual convention, they often will give free shipping and you can order it and ship it to your house for free! So don't feel pressured to buy it the first day. Also if you find something new you want to buy because of a workshop you attended, you for sure will want to sleep on it. You could be all fired up because of the mob/group excitement during the actual workshop, but after you sleep on it, and re-evaluate if this would really be used in your home, or work with your family, or even your homeschool style, it's just not a good fit. You don't want to spend money on something that is not right for you. So think carefully first!
4) Along with the last tip... there will most likely be many things you want to buy but is either outside of your budget, or it's not really needed for this year. For instance, last year, I seen a science book I really really want for my children, and I also seen a game I really really want for my children. But, I really was at the limit of my budget, and both the science book and game were not age appropriate yet for my children. So I noted them in my notebook and took pictures of them with my phone. And they will go on this years list of things to buy!
5) If this is your first year to attend you may want to see if there is discounts for first time attendees. Sometimes it's even free!
6) Also way in advance, as soon as you know the dates of your conference. If you have children with in ages that can not, or would not enjoy sitting through lectures all day. And youc an be away from them for a day (not nursing or needing you). Plan and schedule some one else to take care of them during the day, during the convention. If they have to attend with you. Maybe ask a friend, or fellow homeschool mama with a teenager who wouldn't mind... to come with you and help you with the children.
You will not get much out of the workshops if you are constantly having to attend to children going potty, needing water, chattering etc. And it can get really frustrating and self defeating. I am all for taking children every where with me. But, I also know at my children's ages, it's more advantageous for all concerned (me getting things out of the convention, and them not feeling tortured by being still and quiet all day!) for us to schedule a local friend of mines teen to care for them at their house for the day. While her and I attend the convention together. Her home is close enough, we can go to her home at lunch and check on every one. But, really her teen and my children are responsible enough, it's not really needed. But, is a nice advantage.
7) Go the night before to the introduction workshop. They often give tips of who will be there, as well as often have seasoned been there, done that mom's with experience that will help motivate you and encourage you that it will be ok!
8) If you can get a schedule of the workshops the night before at the introduction workshop. Look through it, and pick and choose which workshops would best fit you and your families needs. Make a list of first choices, but also make a back up of second choices for each of your first choices. Sometimes, workshops are cancelled, or rescheduled, or over crowded. Or for various reasons you may not be able to attend your first choice, and often only have seconds to choose a different workshop and get in before it starts too. Of course most will let you come and go freely, but if you want to get the complete workshop you want to get there as early in the session as possible. So having a back up already planned, will make this much smoother and faster to just run down the hallway to the next choice.
9) Bring a note book for taking notes during these workshops. And pens/pencils. You will be learning many many things about how children actually learn and by the end of the day could be jumbled if you didn't take notes. And you will want to note which speaker said what. It may be a speaker you want to seek out for the future, because they were that good! And want to seek their books, or other things from them. And on the other hand, it may be some one you disagree with so much you want to make sure you avoid and don't make the mistake of purchasing from them, something that won't work for you or your family.

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