Homeschool convention starts today! I'm excited and can't wait! lol
So far, the keynote starting address was really good. Last year it was ho hum. This year had a really good mom speaker.
1) She has a child with speech impediment, when the child was 1 and a half years old, doctors said go ahead and learn sign language now, she will never speak. She is grown and speaks just fine now. Because her mother kept her close and kept working with her. I spoke to this girl (adult woman now) last night!
2) The parents education has NO bearing on the child's quality of education! This same mother, had went to a few years of college. However, she had 4 children. 2 she had already been homeschooling for a little while and two younger ones just starting, when she suffered a stroke. And could not remember anything! Not numbers, colors, how to read, anything. She had to learn from the ground up. Her therapist asked her about what she did as a career. She said I homeschool my children. The therapist said, awesome, now you can learn with your children all the things you need to learn again-math, colors, reading, etc. And she and her children did! They learned it all together! Her children and herself are both doing just fine today! Even though 3 of her 4 children also had learning disabilities.
Any way, I spoke to her last night and let her know her story was powerful. I am hoping she will put it online. She said, she's just a mom that homeschools didn't think about putting her story online. I said, please please do, it can inspire many!
So looking forward to the rest of the convention, and all the workshops I want to take!

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