This article is about how I use our literature to educate my children.
First of all, I take seriously the scripture found at, 2 Timothy 3:16 & 17.
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
Truly I believe that God's word is completely equipped to teach every thing we need to learn or know.
I also do not take lightly the command found at, Deuteronomy 6:6 & 7.
These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart, and you must inculcate them in your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.
I believe it is our responsibility to inculcate Jehovah's word in our children's hearts and minds. All the time.
That being said, this is how I incorporate our literature and Jehovah's word into our education. First, I keep in mind that a well rounded and balanced education, does not need to look like the governments institutionalized school system. So when I am looking at our literature and beliefs, I stand back and think about what each one is truly teaching and educating our children about.
First of all, all reading can be counted as Language Arts, as it is reading! So that will be a given subject if nothing else to all of the literature listed below. Also the really great thing about our literature, is it is so well edited, that I have never came across a misspelled word or incorrectly used English. That is key to teaching Language Arts, reading and being exposed to correctly used language! So much of the secular books and selections available, almost always have typos!
Daily Text, I consider the daily text vital to any and all education, no matter your educational choices. It always starts our day out in the right frame of mind. With Jehovah's word and commentary there of. No better way to start any of our days and education. As was said, all can be considered Language Arts, and Bible is also history. And the comments in the Daily Text can range in subjects from Science, to Social Studies, Geography, Government and History, and anything in between!
Learn to Read and Write, a booklet to teach reading and writing, or in other words Language Arts.
Our Watchtowers, almost always teach history. Biblical history if nothing else. And sometimes modern history with current biographies on faithful servants.
Awakes, can teach a vast array of subjects depending on the month. Every thing from social studies, to geography, to science and history. As well as economics, government, and current events and many other subjects. As you read each article you can set back and think about what you learned from it, and think about how you could document that in your homeschool portfolio.
Year Books, easily social studies, geography, current events, and modern history. Often also government-and not just one government but many different ones around the world. I really love that we are given a truly well rounded education through the year books about cultures and countries around the world. Most secular resources are going to have a political slant to raise one government or political party above another. But, with our year books and all our literature, the brothers and Jehovah are not partial, and give a unbiased truly neutral educational view of each culture and country.
My Book of Bible Stories, Bible and history! Also ancient governments and cultures.
The Great Teacher book, Bible, Morals and Values in public schools this would be considered ethics.
Young People Ask Book, current events, Morals and Values/Ethics. The great thing about the newly released versions of this book, is they also include journaling and view point questions. Both, spur critical thinking and writing.
Then we also have a wide array of other books and brochures that can teach about science, and many other subjects as well.
Such as the book, Life-How did it get here? By Evolution or Creation? And the brochures like Science and the Genesis Account, Origin of Life, How can we know there is a God? Also our videos on Blood, and our stand against them, as well as how our stand against Blood and Blood products has changed medical care. All teach accurate science. The Your Family Can Be Happy, can be considered social studies, and life science as well. My Bible Lessons brochure teaches many skills for little ones, such as social awareness and correctness, and many subjects we need to learn from Jehovah relevant to current day life. If you have older children, do not forget Youths- What Will You Do With Your Life? Again Social Studies, current events, and planning for their future.
Purple Triangles, Jehovah's Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Assault, are History! Also we have many videos on the history of our own organization. And our wonderful book Proclaimers of God's Word is full of fascinating history. There's also many great videos on JW Broadcasting our Jehovah's Witness history, as well as current events.
Mankind's Search for God, Social Studies, Geography, History-often it says the history of how that particular religion started, and World Religions, which believe it or not many public schools now actually have classes in World Religions! And certainly do not forget, critical thinking. Especially the last chapter, when it helps the reader figure out how to draw their own conclusion on what religion is the true religion today.
We also have a wide array of videos on almost every subject you can think of. Do not forget the Origins of Life video series for science. I especially value the Our Organization channel on tv.jw.org. It has every topic from science, to social studies, current events, government, and history, and again so many other subjects as well.
As well as Music. Music has been proven to be very important for learning other academics, and for well being. We can teach and learn music through the large variety of songs produced by the Faithful and Discrete Slave.
I have even used tv.jw.org as a way to teach foreign languages. We choose a short children's song in a different language and practice it, till we know it. We can also listen to books or scriptures being read in other languages, teaching us exactly how to pronounce and use the languages conversationally!
This is just a glimpse of the resources provided to us by the Slave and Jehovah of what we have at our finger tips to use in educating our children.
The best thing about all of the above resources from the Slave, is they are accurate, well written, you never have to worry about inappropriate content. It is always appropriate for a wide range of ages, as well as current and correct. Truly what better education could there be found?
The final subject you can cover in your education is what Jehovah's Witnesses are most widely known for, our Community Service, or as we most commonly refer to it as Field Service. Do not forget to count our field service time. The final chapter in the Volume II, Young People's Ask book has a entire chapter dedicated to what will I do with my life? Going into detail how we can serve full time in spreading the Good News of God's Kingdom. Being a full time servant to Jehovah can actually become a career choice-Bethel, Special Pioneer, Ministerial Servant School, Missionary Work, Circuit Overseers, and many other career opportunities can come from the full time service work. This community service is truly the most important work being done in our day. And secular authorities recognize our work as community service and it is highly valued.
Last but certainly not least, I will conclude with a link to Brother Anthony Morris III, video lecture on What is the best education?

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