There's many reading reward programs available for children. Two we always enroll in are Braum's Book Buddy, and Pizza Hut Book It programs. As well as Summer Library Reading Rewards.
Many of these programs, accept the child also being read to, for the amount of minutes or books to receive their rewards. Sometimes parents and children get over whelmed by the amount of books of minutes required. When I was speaking to a teenage girl the other day at meeting about our Summer Library Reading Rewards, and the amount of hours they required to receive the rewards, her eyes got big and she looked scared. And I said, well you studied for the meeting right? She said yes.. and another sister close by said, and you listened to things being read here at the meeting too! And the rules said they could be read to you.
When you think about it in those terms, most every one can meet if not exceed the time requirements! They add up fast. Now I am not saying you should only use our Meeting study and Meetings to meet the reading rewards program requirements. I actually read quite a bit of good quality secular books to my children too and allow them to read them on their own as well. I am just wanting you to realize, when it may seem like a overwhelming amount that you don't have time to meet. If you just kept up with meeting study, personal study, and meetings you would exceed the requirements with in 2 weeks more them likely!
So don't be afraid you or your child won't be able to meet them! Go ahead sign up, reward your children with them!

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