At first I thought we would home school primarily because of the amount of time that public school schedules take from the family. At least 8 hours a day of in school then even more hours of homework after school. And all the research I had found said that you could be done with homeschool in the time that it takes the average public school student to be done with their home work alone, or shorter, not to mention all that time they are actually in school. That sounded great, as we have so many things scheduled already each week in our life. And thinking of missing those for homework just was not acceptable. Then we also thought we would be free to go on vacations whenever we wanted to as well!
Then as time went on and the more I researched what was actually being taught in public school systems. It just didn't sit well with me. A lot of leanings towards patriotism and governmental allegiance. Through slanting history to highlight one countries victories over another, even stretching the truth of such conquests. Not to mention the falsehoods in science as well. While when I am in charge of the education I can give my children a balanced education of facts. And of course our literature and the Bible never elevates one country or race above another. And states the facts of both sides of most subjects so that the reader can come to a educated conclusion on matters. Using accurate literature on subjects, like history, science, and pretty much all of the subjects I feel is far superior to what they would have had in public school.
Then there was association, bullying and other such problems prevalent that just were not getting any better.
I have really loved being able to educate my children. It's been a delight to see them learn, see the lights go on when they learn to read, or learn a new science theory. It's been a pleasure, that I am so glad I didn't miss out on! And to be able to just have fun with them every day and really get to know who they are, what is in their hearts. We especially get so much time to study and talk about God's word, which is a real blessing with in it self! I am so glad this is the path we have chosen.

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