You may of noticed, that I include "copy work". In almost all of the educational downloads that I create. Some have asked me, what copy work is, and why we use it.
Copy work is actually duplicating, through handwriting, well written language. Well written, means it needs to be correct, and be meaningful, high quality passages. This can come from books, poems, and a variety of writings. In my educational downloads, the copy work will be Bible passages. Which we know is, the greatest book ever written, so it is a good candidate for copy work.
Charlotte Mason believed that, copy work, should be short, as well. Not a whole page, but only one line. When I chose which scriptures to include in my educational downloads, I looked for as short of scriptures as possible in the assigned reading. But, scriptures that also had meaning and context to the entire reading. Some verses were very short, that I would come across in the weekly reading. However, they would not have context, or real meaning alone. So I worked at finding ones that could stand alone, and still be well understood with in and with out the context. Also hopefully with a moral or value to instill.
Charlotte Mason, also suggested to use a slate and chalk, instead of pencil and paper for beginning with this. So it would be easier for the child to erase multiple times. This should be left up to the child to choose which and what letters may need to be improved. But, try to explain to the child, their assignment is to replicate as close as possible the text that they are using for their copy work.
The benefits of copy work are many. Copy work develops quality handwriting, as well as having a child in the habit of seeing and knowing quality language, correct spelling, written in correct context and usage of the language. This actually starts a child off with good habits, instead of having to correct or fight bad habits in these areas. Through the usage of copy work, some parents choose not to use other writing curricula and to rely on the copy work method to teach writing, spelling and related subjects.
I personally, choose to use copy work to teach handwriting, correct spelling, comprehension, and many areas. As well as the values and morals I am wanting them to learn through the passages I choose for their copy work. That is the reason, I mainly use Bible verses for our copy work. I can't think of any other book that will never be obsolete, and will always be the highest quality writing we can use.

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