Monday, January 4, 2016

Daily Planner & Attendance Chart~1/4

Attendance Chart
As promised this is a photo of our attendance chart. This is from Tina's Dynamic Homeschool Plus, FREE Seven Step Planner.

It is the full color customization attendance chart for 4 children. I really love it!

I moved the months around for our year around schedule, but I am thinking about changing our months beginning and ending to mirror Tina's year around schedule more. As it seems more and more like a better yearly schedule.

I mainly put in their initials for each day, and then do field trips in the highlighters.

Also at the bottom you can see I try to keep a running tally of how many days of school we did for the month and the grand total that that adds up to. I need to fill in the first semester at the top too!

And with out further ado our daily planner.

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