There are doctrinal beliefs I completely disagree with in this book and of Ruth's. But, over all I do appreciate her child developmental education and understanding quite a bit. And the way she views using the Bible in education.
Chapter 1) She goes into doctrine you should teach your child through homeschooling. I read a few lines and for sure didn't agree with her beliefs, so I kind of skipped those parts. The parts I did read more of and appreciated was the reasoning for using the Bible as the core book in home education. And I must say she had many good points on why the Bible is the best book to use for educating children. Along with she had many ideas on how to teach grammar, and things like poems, and metaphors etc etc using the Bible. While I disagreed on some of her ages for learning these things. As we have JW.org and many childrens books that teach very deep and basic Bible knowledge much younger then what she suggested. I appreciated her thinking on the benefits of using the Bible to teach language arts. And I will be using some of her suggestions, especially about learning poetry from the Bible. I also didn't of course agree with her view of the King James Bible... but again that is just something that I kind of scrolled through and passed over to read the more important parts. So all in all it is a good chapter, skip over what doesn't apply in our lives as Witnesses, and use or read more intently the parts that do apply.
Again the parts that do apply is how the Bible can be used to teach language arts, and how really important Bible knowledge is in the world today to even be considered educated. As so much literature that is well read today even if not Biblical, often uses words and phrases that originated from the Bible. Such as the "Writing is on the Wall"... people use that phrase all the time and it's a Biblical reference. Having a good foundation in understanding that reference helps a person understand the phrase when used outside the Bible. Things like that was very good to be reaffirmed and like a confirmation to yes.. actually a lack of Bible knowledge would make a person seem very uneducated when they are surrounded, really all the time, with Biblical terms in secular situations.
Chapter 2) She speaks about how secular history will be based off the theory of evolution which really throws all other history it teaches off the correct time line, and how Biblical history will be based on creation with the correct historic time line! And so secular history textbooks, based on evolution and paganism, will often be teaching incorrect history! Then she tells you the three parts of history you can teach straight from the Bible. Like with chapter 1, there is of course a few beliefs that I disagree on, but I just skimmed over those parts, and paid more attention to the parts that applied.
Chapter 3) She says that we need to make sure the any science we teach matches the Bible. Again there were discrepancies in beliefs so I skimmed those parts and only paid attention to the parts that applied to us. And she again shows how secular textbooks would be based on evolution and paganism and how that kind of science is constantly changing since it is false and can easily be disproved. But, the Bible and it's science never changes, and how true research always eventually catches up to the Bible. I also appreciated her take on how science and history are taught from a evolutionist view teaches that humans evolved more and more intelligent instead of the truth about how humans were created intelligent from God in the beginning! And how correct history can prove the intelligence of early man.
She also brought out how a homeschooled child taught about creation would also be learning about evolution in a way to PROVE creation is true. But, a public school student is ONLY taught evolution which in and of itself only teaching one side is a incomplete education. All I could think of is how well equipped we are from the Faithful and Discreet slave to teach about both, the Creation Brochure, the Creation or Evolution book, the new video series on scientist and doctors who have concluded that we were created, etc etc. Wonderful education!
She also names the four main parts of science that would be good to go over the education of of your children (so pretty much you have a lot of years to cover these parts), and 8 things total that you may want to make sure you touch on. She also brings out there is no human way to cover every thing, and not at home or in a school. So the word cover would not be correct, but expose, may be a better word for what she was trying to convey.
By this chapter, I have decided I need to purchase this book. I checked it out from the library, as the parts I could read on Amazon, I could tell did have a lot of disagreeable doctrine so I wasn't sure it would be a book I would really want. And while it is true her and I do not agree on the actual Biblical beliefs, I do appreciate her insight on how the Bible is the ultimate text book for education, and the ideas in which to use it for educating children.
Chapter 4) This chapter explains that world views should match the Bible's views. While her political education and thinking (about America specifically) we would not agree with as witnesses. Her bottom line of teaching only the Bible's view IS completely correct. I also would not use the books she suggested to teach Bible World Views with. However, from reading this chapter, I can tell you we have plenty of literature at our fingertips to cover this completely. A few I would use are-
YPA books
Mankinds Search for God
Year books
Evolution or Creation books
And our new science video series on JW broadcasting
and of course the Bible.
She also suggest using the Bible to study government. I think that is brilliant. Again I would not compare it to American government in the way she did. But, just a straight on Bible study of Biblical government is amazing.
In this chapter she also warns of the dangers of many colleges. She brought out much like our broadcast, that many professors even so called "christian" professors, teach from pagan and humanistic view points, and defend this way of teaching by saying they are teaching from this view point to open the students minds! In so doing she said, that the stats show that 85% leave their families religion during college due to such influence! The brothers themselves have warned us of this in our monthly broadcast!
So while, I skipped and skimmed over her political view points, and her book suggestions. I have to say I whole hardheartedly agree with her negative assessment to the curricula in public schools and colleges that children are getting and why they are dangerous.
Chapter 5) Explains Critical Thinking basically. And explains why it can not be taught as a separate subject and transferred into real Critical Thinking. She gives examples and ways that you can teach or encourage Critical Thinking in every day life and how much Critical Thinking just comes from life experience.
Chapter 6) Is about reading skills, and why some are important and others are not. And different ways of teaching reading. As well as why writing may not always be as needed as schools use it. Very informative. And I agree with most of it!
Chapter 7) Study Skills. While I do not use all of these tips, and probably won't. Many of them I do currently use, they are for sure worth reading through. I do not know how much of it I would dedicate to secular learning, in a tradition homeschooling situation. But, great ideas for studying our literature, which for me I choose to also count as our schooling.
Chapter 8) Writing Skills. Again there's a few things I probably won't do. But, by and large very good tips on teaching writing. Especially what NOT to do. Like using artificial school styles of teaching writing, with workbooks and such. Very very good information.
Chapter 9) Grammar After Writing. This is a EXCELLENT chapter. Agree so much with it. Pretty much says relax, and don't waste money on a bunch of grammar curricula especially workbooks. I really love her explanation of how children truly learn to write and use proper. The real focus of this chapter is how not to burn children out. Awesome.
Chapter 10) Informal Beginnings. This chapter can be summed up in one word. Chillax! lol haha But, more seriously she out right says, Relax and enjoy young children. (Direct quote from this chapter). She explains why natural learning immersed in a christian family is superior learning environment for young children then schools or even workbooks an curricula at home... Just be a natural loving family with young children and research shows that this is what will actually make a larger determination of what children learn later in life, then younger is better.
Chapter 11) Curriculum Materials. She explains the history of homeschool curricula. And why the majority of it is not needed. And references a few things she would suggest. She explains further more artificial learning of many curricula on the market. Over all view point that the Bible should be your main focus/textbook, and any other books just as a servant. You choose how much or how little to use and when.
Appendix is on Crossed Dominance Problems, with exercises and ways of overcoming such problems.
While she did have a lot of her religious views in the first few chapters, that I glossed past. By and large, I learned a LOT from this book about how secular curricula can skew the facts, and actually give a really false education to our children. And in her Ruth Beechick style, I also learned even more about child development and how to teach more to a child's developmentally appropriate level, and customize their education to them specifically.
In conclusion... I really liked this book. Yes, of course many of her religious and political views do not match ours as witnesses. But, I just skipped those parts, and glossed til I found where she went back to talking more about educational facts and studies... and started reading again. And the parts I did pay attention and read, I found very enlightening with a very good ring of truth about children and how they learn. Many of the things she said also matches John Holt's observances of children as well. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would most certainly recommend reading it. (of course also suggest to skip over any political or religious doctrine-and pick back up when she gets to the more educational ideas).
I will admit, it was one book of Ruth's I really didn't think I would read or buy. But, it was at my local library so I picked it up and flipped through it.. and decided to give it a go. I am very very happy that I did. And actually I will be purchasing the book for future referencing of developmental stages of children. And seriously love her focus on using the Bible for education. (although I of course totally disagree that the King James Bible is the best... I am a complete New World Translation lover! ;) )

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