Mainly I am going to be explaining exactly what a Umbrella School is, and the difference between it, and Private Schools at home, and Curriculum.
Umbrella School-A private school that oversees the homeschooling of students. Mainly they are used in states that require by law that children be enrolled in a private school if they are not attending public school. The Umbrella School fulfills the private school mandate. However, many Umbrella schools will keep legal transcripts, issue diplomas, and even hold cap and gown, stage graduations. So for those reasons, some in states that do not require a umbrella school to homeschool, will choose to enroll in a Umbrella school for high school only.
There are many kinds of Umbrella schools though. What they offer and cost of the things that they offer, can vary greatly! It's worth shopping around-but also make sure you are getting what you pay for.
As of now, I know of two Jehovah's Witness Umbrellas. New System School, and New Horizons.
Private Schools-While Umbrella schools are legally private schools, the majority do NOT offer the curricula for the students. But, rather allow parents to choose the curricula, and just send them what they need for transcripts, as they need it. However, Private schools with full curricula are available as well. Some are accredited and some are not. Accredited will always cost a LOT more. A few examples are Abeka and Calvert. Neither of these are Jehovah's Witness based at all. And they are only considered "accredited" if you use their accredited programs. They both also offer non accredited, at a cheaper (but still expensive) rate. A accredited private school-homeschool that is offered by fellow Jehovah's Witnesses is Pear Blossom. They offer all the curricula you need, plus teachers, grading, etc. Which Abeka and Calvert and other private homeschool programs also offer, if you pay for that service.
One thing to keep in mind, the majority of colleges and universities do not require a accredited high school program. There are a few that do. But, most do not. Most will let you test in. Some states will not even allow their colleges by law to require accredited programs. But, then again as witnesses, we have been asked to think heavily about further education, and so most of us probably are not college bound any way. So then again being accredited really will not matter. It will have little to absolutely no effect on the diploma it will be just as valid and legal either way. And will have no effect on the job market. As a good lot of public schools are not accredited either! Along with the majority of religious private schools are not accredited (not just Jehovah's Witness homeschool ones, but almost all "church" owned religious brick and mortar private schools are not accredited) yet, people put them on high, as something greatly revered in the education realm. So... no worries about accredited vs non accredited for most of us.
However, I will warn there is a handful of colleges (big expensive ones, usually not state local ones) that do require accredited. IF you are positively college bound you may want to double check the college you and your child are considering to make sure what is required for high school. But, many states like in Kansas, you can actually be dual enrolled, being in Homeschool high school, while actually being in college at the same time for free!
Curricula-by definition, is the courses offered by the school or university/college. To me it means exactly what you use for educating your children. There is really too many to list to use for homeschooling, not to mention that you can completely create and develop your own. Most the time when I refer to curricula it is not related to a private school or a umbrella school. It's just independent. You can get a look at a glimpse of how much is out there, by requesting a Rainbow Resource Catalog! haha I also link on my blog, four curricula choices that are completely free, and have no Jehovah's Witness affiliation. As well as one that that you have to pay for, but is created by a sister, Jenny Westbrooke. She offers lots of options, of buying the entire schedule as well as all books you need, or just buying the schedule, and acquiring the books however you choose (used, library, etc). I also post my daily lessons plans so you can see how I have patched together a very inexpensive, yet complete, and heavily dependent on our own literature and website (JW.org) curricula.

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