One of the leading objections I hear to homeschooling is- I want to homeschool, but I'm afraid being around my children all the time will drive me crazy!
Quite honestly, I have rarely heard of this actually happening to any one. Most people are afraid of this. But, once they actually have the children home with them, and detox them from the public schools worldly influence, and start actually spending more and more time with their children, they find being around their children a pleasure and regret not doing it sooner!
People when they are starving begin to not feel "hunger" any more, and lose their desire to eat. It can be the same way with many things in life, including time with your children. But, when they start eating again and their body gets used to food again, the more they eat the more they desire to eat. And it's the same with being around your children, the more you are around them, often the more you desire to want to be around them.
That being said, just because you homeschool does not mean that you have to be in contact with your children every minute of the day.
1) Quiet time. Institute a time of day of at least a hour where every one is quiet and in their own rooms for a little while each day.
2) Take advantage of either sending your children to bed at a early time and a few hours for yourself before you go to bed, OR get up before your children and take some more quiet time for yourself.
3) If you are married, do not neglect date nights. When we were first married I thought that was totally silly, even with three children I still thought that was just not a need. Why did others think they needed such luxuries! Well, I tell you we started going on them once week, when my youngest was 2 years old and it was so refreshing! We do not go do expensive things, we still live on one income. But, we basically do our weekly grocery shopping and eat dinner together, sometimes it's just Taco Bell and that's ok! It still does the same thing in, being alone for a few hours, and able to talk and refresh and get ready for the week ahead!
4) I personally do not belong to any co-ops, but I do take my children on field trips. And sometimes there are classes for the older children that they can go to on their own. And I allow that. And enjoy my hour or so to myself. When we lived in NYC, the local library actually had a FREE 2 hour class once a week that you were to leave your child there and come back for them. I will be honest, I often forgot about the class, I get used to being around my children and don't scutter around looking for opportunities to ditch them! haha But, now that they are older, they do enjoy some independence once in a while, and it is a chance for mom to get some "me" time, as well.
In conclusion, many people do have this worry, but when all is said and done, most find that it was a silly concern, and are very very happy that they made the choice to bring their children home.

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