Front cover of my 7 Step Planner |
I plan our days using
Tina's Dynamic Homeschool Plus free 7 step planner. I did create some of my own pages, such as my 2 page spread for daily lesson plans that is mainly what you will be seeing in our day to day photos of our planning pages. Again though I used Kingsoft, any one who would like them, I will gladly send them to you. I also did make up a similar one page planning page for those with only one child. However, I will try to do them with a better program later as well. A side note to this, Tina is also a fellow sister.
At this time, I do not like our schooling to take more then 2 hours a day for the most part. I find with such a small class size, and teacher to student ratio, we get more then enough accomplished each day in this time allotment.
I use what is commonly referred to as a loop scheduling system. So while some subjects are covered daily, others are in a loop, today I will do art, tomorrow I will do music, today we will make sure to do a Bible Lesson from the Brochure, and tomorrow we will do a lesson from the Listen to God Brochure. Today Lela may do a lesson from Emma Serl's Primary Language Lessons, and tomorrow could be a lesson from a McGuffey Reader. However, I do read daily to Belle and RJ from the My Book of Bible Stories, and I do daily Bible reading with Lela. Daily Text and our children's kingdom song every day. Much of the other material can change on a dime and is not required daily in my schedule, but more of we aim for the subject or text to be used at least weekly or more depending.
I have a vlog posted that details my planner the best. But, if you don't want to go to youtube, below you can find photos of it.
My Planner Vlog
A photo by photo guide to my own planner. Again most pages came from Tina's Dynamic Homeschool plus. The cover is depicted above in the first photo.
Inside cover and first attendance chart.
Turns out I like using the front of the planner for keeping attendance. |
Homeschool Mission Statement, and Fruitage of the Spirit Chart.
Chart can be found free in my Free educational downloads.
Mission statement page is from Tina's. |
Two page, 3 child daily planner pages spread out.
Printed out and bound enough for 160 days of schooling. |
A second print out of the Fruitage of the Spirit chart,
and my Bible Reading Schedule for children.
Can be downloaded free in the Free Educational Downloads. |
Different Year Around Planning Calendar.
And Field Trip Suggestions. |
Field Trip Tracking Guide, Field Trip Planning Pages.
Printed out enough for 20 field trips.
Making our entire school year add up to 180 days. |
Last Field Trip Planning Page, and Tracking Community Service pages.
Printed out enough Community Service pages for entire school year.
Can be used for tracking Field Service as that counts as Community Service. |
Library Resource Page, and
Old Fashioned Education complete School year schedule.
I do not really use the Library Resource Page,
I forgot to print Book Reading Tracking Pages.
Next year I would rather have those in my planner. |
End of Old Fashioned Education Year Schedule,
and Curriculum Resource Page,
to keep track of what we use for our curricula for each child. |
Multiplication Chart, and Second Attendance Chart.
I put one in the front and one in the back this year, because I wasn't
sure which I would rather use. Ended up, I like using the one at the
front best. |
Another Homeschool Mission Statement page. back inside cover page.
This was my first year designing my own planner. So again,
wasn't quite sure how I wanted it. So ended up with two Mission Statement pages.
Next year I will make sure there is only one. |
Back Cover. I couldn't find anything I really loved online.
So ended up using a copy from JW.org of the Teach Your Children book cover. |